Just Another Day in Chocolate City

"Just my thoughts man - right or wrong, Just what I was feeling at the time" Courtesy Jay-Z, The Ruler's Back

My Photo
Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Thoughts of a married, 30-something woman, living in Washington, D.C. (yes, in the actual city *lol*)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Engaged and Underage?

In case ya'll didn't know, I'm a wee bit hooked on reality television. Not all shows mind you, just the one's that I listed here. So, I saw a preview for a new MTV show, Engaged and Underage and knew that I had to at least watch the first episode. Usually, it only takes one episode to hook me, but I had convinced myself that I would not get hooked on a new show. Uh, yeah, right, so obviously I've programmed my DVR and I'll be watching this series. *lol* I'm hopeless! Anyways, on to the show. The title had me prepared to see folks in there teens getting married, but not quite. The couples are all between 18-22, which by today's standard is "young" for marriage. But is it too young? To hear the family and friends on the show talk, hell yes. Well, some seemed supportive, but the common consensus seemed to be, "WAIT!"

Back in the day, folks got married at 13, 14, 15. Shoot, my Grandma LuLu was married at 14 and had my oldest uncle before she was sixteen. But, is that simply "the way it was" and no longer the way it is? Are these "young" couples in the minority? It seems that more and more folks that I know are waiting until their 30's to get married. By then, you've been dated, started a career, etc, so you're ready to embrace coupledom. As my one girlfriend said, "I finally know who I am and I can offer my complete self to him and him to me."

But what if you fall in love and decide that you understand the commitment of marriage at say 18 or 19; why not do the damn thing? Kids today seem to grow up faster in some ways, yet more immature than previous generations. Hmm, interesting. On the opposite end of the spectrum, in an entry titled, "Kinda from my inbox: Ya'll Been Dating How Long?", Creole Princess is discussing how long you date someone with a traditional commitment.

What do ya'll think? How young is too young? If you're younger than 22, how long should you date before getting engaged? And once engaged, how long should you wait to get married? I know that every couple and every situation is different. And, I also know that there are always exceptions to the rule. Cool. So don't say it. *lol* I want to know what you think. Would you or did you get married at 20? Know any 20 year olds ready for marriage? Let's talk!


Saturday, January 20, 2007

Am I the Only One?

Whew, maybe I do have a "hard heart". In case you've been out of the news loop, you can read all about it here. I'll summarize, a Sacramento radio station held a contest. Participants attempted to out drink each other and not go to the bathroom. The winner received a Nintendo Wii. The second place contestant, Jennifer Strange, died 5 hours later from water intoxication. Since then, the DJ's have been fired, the Strange's family is suing and the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department is thinking of pressing charges. Huh?

The DJ's are responsible? Huh? Ok, maybe I'm a little slow on the uptake. You enter a contest, sign a waiver (account differ as to what these said), get hurt (or die) and through no direct action on my part, it's my fault? Say what? I know we live in a litigious society and that we love to place blame on "someone" for everything, but in this case? Did I miss the part where the DJ's held loaded weapons to the participants heads and forced them to drink the water? I think that it is the responsibility of the participants to investigate the risks of the behavior in which they are about to participate. No one else seems to agree.

Alot is being made of the fact that the participants weren't specifically told that water intoxication was a possibility. During the show, a woman called in (some reports have her a nurse, others as a regular caller) to warn everyone that it was a possibility. Yeah, the DJ's were pretty callous and insensitive, saying "We know. That's why they signed release forms." Ok, hold up. Wasn't one argument that the participants were "told" about water intoxication? Let's say they weren't. So, when the lady called in and informed you, what then? Obviously, the participants chose to ignore the caller. Hmm, they seemed rrreeeaaallll concerned with their personal safety.

Ok, well, let's see if I've got this right. Let's say I run a contest offering a diamond tennis bracelet to the person that can do a Polar Bear swim. Whoever stays in the water the longest, gets the bracelet. Everyone signs release forms. What if a participant jumps in and has a heart attack? Is that my fault? If I don't specifically tell you that you might have a heart attack, it's my fault? What about you? YOU entered the contest, YOU signed the waiver, YOU jumped in the water. Did YOU ever consider that it might be dangerous? Did YOU investigate before you participated in a stupid prank for a got darn video game system?

Well, that's my $.02. I'm pretty sure that my opinion is in the minority. I'd love to hear what ya'll have to say. And no throwing of large stones. Tiny pebbles only! :)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Fulfilling Goals

Hi all! I hope that everyone is doing well. I've got about 10 post started, but I haven't felt like finishing them. *lol* Shoot me!

Way back when I started my blog, I did a "Then and Now" Meme. The last question was, "Looking back, are you where you thought you would be in 2006?" and part of my answer was, "Thought I'd have finished writing my first book." Well, I'm still working on it. I've been writing alot lately, but I've got a little ways yet to go. I decided that I would finish my first draft in 2007. I miss the community of writers that I used to commune with and I believe that it's stunted some of my creative juices. That's a bit of an excuse, but let me use it, ok? :)

Recently, I heard of a 14 week Creative Writing Workshop, at a local University, with a brilliant published author leading the course. So, I thought about it, printed out the first 20 pages of my manuscript and claimed a spot in that class for myself. *lol* Gotta think positive, ya know?

Well, I got great news over the weekend. I got in!! I'm so excited ya'll. I think this is the path that I'm supposed to be on. I feel like I'm on top of the world and that this book WILL BE completed in 2007. It's one of my goals for 2007.

What about ya'll? Have you made any goals for 2007? If so, what are you doing to achieve them? Let's talk about it, send some positive energy into the atmosphere and make it happen!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Touch of Sarcism and A Little Bit of Cynicism!!

A co-worker sent me this link and I've been laughing like crazy. Check out this site for more "demotivating" slides. Since blogger has a mind of it's own, I was only to post one of my favorites. I've got a really sarcastic sense of humor sometimes, so many of these spoke to me. Hope you enjoy at least one of these.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy New Year!

Hey, hey Blogworld! Hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season and that the new year has begun wonderfully. I've been sick since December 28, thus the posting hiatus. One million and one topics (ranging from the obscure and silly to the relevant and serious) have popped through my head, so I'll be sure to write something this week. Take care ya'll!